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Your local, trusted service company in Central Pennsylvania since 1952

Key Benefits of Using Bryant Geothermal Systems

Each Bryant Geothermal System is specifically designed to meet the heating and cooling needs of each home in which it's installed. Experienced Bryant dealers such as WM Buffington Company make use of specialized software to determine what’s best for your home.

Key Benefits of Using Bryant Geothermal Systems

A Bryant Geothermal System is a great alternative to the traditional heating and cooling systems used in most homes. It offers a lot of benefits sure to entice many people to invest in them. Trusted provider of HVAC and insulation installation services WM Buffington Company talks about these benefits in more detail below.

Reliable and Efficient

Bryant Geothermal Systems harness the free energy available all around us. By using the thermal energy found in the ground or in a pond of water to cool down homes in the summer or provide warmth during winter, homeowners won’t have to worry about increases in utility rates.

What’s more, unlike other systems that are affected by varying weather conditions, Bryant Geothermal Systems use a reliable source of energy that’s available all year 'round regardless of weather. This allows the system to produce even temperatures and provide excellent humidity control every day of the year.

Bryant Geothermal Systems are very cost-efficient. By using one in your home, you can save up to 70% compared to what you would spend on heating and cooling with a standard pilot propane furnace and an air conditioning unit.

Personalized for Your Needs

No Fuss

By using Bryant Geothermal Systems instead of heat pump systems, you're spared having to deal with the noise made by traditional equipment. Your home also won’t need to have flue pipes or roof penetrations. In addition, you won’t have to deal with combustion inside your home, unlike when you use traditional furnaces.

Longer Lasting

Bryant geothermal equipment is installed inside the home and kept safe from harsh weather conditions outside the house. What’s more, the earth loops these systems use are made of long-lasting material and buried in the ground or under water, which further aids in keeping them safe.

If you’re looking for a Bryant dealer you can trust, look no further than WM Buffington Company, Inc., your HVAC and plumbing services provider in the area. Call us at (717) 609-4020 to get started. We serve homes in and around Harrisburg, PA.

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