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Helpful Tips on Financing Your HVAC Project

Everybody wants to have a good HVAC system in their home but preparing the budget for it can be challenging. As one of the top HVAC contractors, we have gathered a few tips so you can have your new air conditioning unit without costing you more than necessary.

Helpful Tips on Financing Your HVAC Project

Repair or Replace?

You probably think that your only choice is to shell out cash for a brand new unit, but that’s not always the case. There’s a chance you can still get more use out of your current HVAC and it only needs some repairs. Before deciding on an option, consult our specialists to check if an HVAC repair will suffice or if you really need to purchase a new unit.

Split, Centralized, or Window?

Some HVAC units are more expensive than others. Window-type HVAC units are considered the most affordable of the bunch, while centralized units are the most effective when it comes to cooling larger areas in your home. Split-type units occupy the middle ground between cost and efficiency. Choose which option works best for you so you can have a clearer idea of how much you’d need for a new heating system installation project.

Pick a Model

Even HVAC units with similar technical specifications can vary greatly depending on the brand. The best way to figure out which one will give you the most value for the price is to check out user feedback on similar models. Don’t forget to compare product or service warranties; paying extra for a more comprehensive warranty is a wise decision in the long run.

Choosing a Financing Option: The Real Deal

Setting your expectations on the actual cost of the HVAC is a lot more important than choosing a financing option. Once you have that figured out, it’s just a matter of choosing between your credit card, taking out a loan, or getting financed by either the contractor or the HVAC manufacturer. While it helps to figure out which will net you the lowest interest rates, it won’t help much if you blindly choose equipment too expensive for your financial capabilities. Naturally, paying for the unit and HVAC installation services with cash is the most cost-effective so you may want to save up as much as you can before resorting to these financing options.

Need professional help with financing your new HVAC? WM Buffington Company provides HVAC-related products and services in Harrisburg, PA. Feel free to call us at (717) 609-4020 or fill out this contact form to request a free quote.

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